Monday, August 10, 2015

Make Professor Stein's Chair from Soul Eater

How to Make Stein's chair from Soul Eater

I like Soul Eater.  It is a nice anime.  I haven't read the manga.  But I hear  that is also good.

Anyway,  I am tall.  And I wear glasses.  So I cosplay as Professor Stein.  Well Professor Stein is often seen with his chair. So I thought I would try to make his chair.
The above chair was found at the State Supply Store for $1.  Yup, a dollar.

I then headed over to the scrap exchange to get some fabric.  I picked up some, what I think is, upholstery fabric.  After working with I am sure it is a combination of mithril and adamantium.

So I draped the fabric over the back of the chair. And hand sewed the top half. 

I removed the 1/2 chair cover.  Trimmed it.  Turned it inside out.  And finished sewing the rest of the cover.  

The back before I finished sewing.

A little trimming and it looks ok.

For the seat of the chair.  I cheated. I sprayed a very heavy coat of spray adhesive on the perimeter of the chair.  And folded the fabric around.

That gave me some weird creases. I added more glue.  

I then used a left over t-shirt for the grey elements of the chair.  

I had a bunch of left over yarn from making the Stein outfit.  Once I make an outfit I store the remnents of that outfit according to outfit.  So I used the yarn that was the exact same as the lab coat.

And the above pic is the 2 needles I used to make the stitching. The curved on is an upholstery repair needle.  The straight needle is a tapestry needle.  I really like the tapestry needle.  When you are reworking existing things,  it will go through any fabric.  Lab Coats,  back pack straps,  ANYTHING.  

I had to use vice grips to get through the black fabric. It is tough.

I eventually had to use 1 tapestry needle to pre-make the hole to stick the tapestry needle with the yarn through.

The seat bottom turned out ok.

For the grey patches I did the same thing as the black fabric on the top.  I temporarily taped the farbic on.  I hand sewed the edge.

Then removed it,  trimmed it.  Turned it inside out.  I did use some spray glue to hold it in place while I put the stitches in place.

The back of the chair.  I had some issues with this.  There is nothing to sew to.  So I had to just glue small pieces of yarn.  Up close it looks like crap.  However from a foot or two away it looks ok-ish

Now repeat everything for the other corner.

Party city sells a shackles kit for ~$12.  The most expensive part of the outfit. I went and picked on up.  I spray painted it with a flat nickel rustoleom paint. I also painted the screw heads I was going to use to secure it to the chair.  

I drilled 2 holes in the chair itself.  2 screw hold the chain in place. One on the very top.  And one about 1/2 way down.  The very bottom of the chain is secured to the chair with bread ties,  a yellow and a green one.

And here is the chair,  on the floor of Cosplay Chess & Cosplay America.

So,  Professor Steins chair,  2 days, $26.  I am ok with that.  My biggest prop ever.  

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